Friday, September 5, 2014

VeganMoFo VIII: Moment of Bliss

Not gonna lie.  After two years of completely failing at MoFo, I am so excited that I haven't missed a day yet and I'm prepared for the next week and a half and the full month is planned out.  I have so much organization that it would drive Kittee crazy!  I love that woman.

So Fridays are all about using cookbooks I've been too overwhelmed by or haven't had a chance to try.  I've had Blissful Bites by Christy Morgan for a long while now, but I never really could decide what to make.  However, I always find myself ooing and aahing over the chapter dedicated to sea vegetables so I opted for the Land and Sea Soba Salad.

styling noodles?  ain't nobody got time for that
This thing is so good!  It's gingery (YES!), salty, smoky, sweet, and bitter from the cruciferous veg.  The only thing I had to do different was substitute red cabbage for the napa because the state of napa cabbage in my grocery store was frigging disgusting.  I actually got really angry at my grocery store because their entire produce section was a joke when I went shopping.  I'm talking dried out, wilted green onions.  I've worked in grocery for years and we would NEVER get away with that.


Go ahead and try this dish.  Your mouth will thank you!


Babette said...

This looks amazing. I gotta eat more seaweeds.

Your MoFo themese are really fun.

Anonymous said...

That's a really interesting looking dish!

Panda With Cookie said...

I am intrigued by a chapter on sea veggies.

Susan said...

This is the only thing that I have made from the sea vegetable chapter so far, it is great.