The first attempt at baking, I put the cakes in the oven and realized I had forgotten the sugar. So I threw everything out. Then I went to put the cakes in and one of my mini tester pans FLEW out of my hands and landed upside down in the oven. So I finally made, frosted and decorated the cake. Then I realized I misread the recipe and used baking powder instead of baking soda. Good news is that I couldn't tell when I ate the tester. I hope it's the same for the big one. Then, and this is truly priceless, I ran out of sugar just when I was about to bake all the gingerbread and cakes for my haunted gingerbread!
I need a nap...or three. I don't think I've been sleeping enough and it's all catching up to me right now. Some good did come out of this craziness, though. Last night I had a hankering for a sammich. Only problem is that all I had was my 99 cent Yves turkey slices. No bread, no cheese, no problem! I baked the Beer Bread from 500 Vegan Recipes and made the Muenster Cheese from The Ultimate Uncheese Cookbook. I am thoroughly in love with so many of the recipes in that book. Plus the block cheezes are really easy to personalize. I even forgot to add the tahini (yet another indication I should stay out of the kitchen) and it still tastes great.
muenster, beer bread, more muenster, sandwich
Instead of using regular paprika, I went for smoked which only added to the awesome. If I take a long enough nap today, I think I'm going to make two more block cheezes just because.
Earlier this week, I went through and wrote down my calendar for MoFo. Most of the days are filled out. Here are some hints on what I'm doing for the first week:
Monday-All about Halloween.
Tuesday-Video about my favorite hangover cure.
Wednesday-I'm making something for the first time and it's gonna be crunchy.
Thursday-Shopping for bargains.
Friday-Dinner and a movie! Seriously excited about this one.
Saturday-Taking a little trip to Belgium.
Sunday-Making snacks.
So excited! I can't believe everything goes down on Monday! Well, I have a ton of blogs to catch up with and need to take a nap or two. Hope everybody has a great weekend!