Tuesday, September 13, 2011

On the Horizon...

I should be writing an English paper right now, but I'm so freaking amped about VeganMoFo that I can't think about anything else.  This year marks the 5th installment, and I am so super happy to be a part of it again.

Last year, I didn't have a theme.  Lucky for me, though, I kept a document from the end of 2010 MoFo with any crazy ideas I had.  This year, I opened up my document of ideas and realized I had pretty much nothing!  Aaaah!  So, I spent the last week or so getting my ideas down, plotting out the days, and figuring out just how crazy next month will be.

This year, I decided to do a different theme for everyday of the week.  It's kinda crazy having so many themes, but I think it will work out just fine.  Without further adieu (and in order of October days)...

Saturdays-Food memories.  I will be taking foods from my past and veganizing them.  They all come with neat little stories and represent a big part of where I came from.

this food memory will be revamped fo' sho
Sundays-The Best Thing I Never Ate.  At first, this was just a potpurri category.  However, I realized I had a ton of recipes I wanted to veganize from the Food Network.  This will be fun!

Mondays-Dinner and a Movie.  Most of them will involve Mandy Moore, but I have a special horror movie marathon planned for Halloween.  Complete with a cake!  And hell to the no.  It will not be haunted gingerbread.  Brrr.

Tuesdays-International foods.  I stumbled upon half of these and the other half were chosen randomly by country.  I love taking risks on cuisines I've never tried before.  That's how I came to discover I love Ethiopian and Indian food.  Not to mention Georgian and Belgian!

Wednesdays-Rainbows.  Yes.  I will be making foods and drink inspired by the many colors of the rainbow.  I'm super proud of this because only one of the days involves me using food coloring...technically.

Thursdays-MoFo revisited.  One thing that always gets me is that I rarely have the time to go back and try MoFo recipes again.  So, this year, I'm tweaking some recipes.  For sure, I'm going back to those gingerbread pop tarts.  I'm also redoing some recipes from my very first VeganMoFo.  Should be fun.

these will be tweaked to a new level of awesome
Fridays-Video.  The videos I started last year will be back!  I hope they're better than ever.  So very excited to do this again.

Feel free to use any of these ideas...and check out the idea thread on The PPK.  Also, don't forget to sign up!  I'm so excited!  Anybody else know what they're doing?


  1. I'm going to try to have a couple of themed days, but most will be a simple "what I made after work last night, it took me less than an hour, and it is healthy and nutritious." :)

    I'm looking forward to your themes and VIDEOS!

  2. You are quite the planner, MO. Mofo isn't 'til October and it's only uhoh oh noooooo it's mid September already. Stoked for Mo's Mofo and participating again. Terrific ideas, you have there!

  3. I can't wait to see all of your posts!!! Especially the "dinner and a movie" posts:)
    I better start thinking about some of my ideas. I kinda want to keep going with this Jamie Oliver obsession I have lately...

  4. You are so ambitious! No day of rest?! D:

    I can't WAIT to see your MoFo posts... you have some spectacular ideas!

  5. I first found yr blog via MoFo last year! I am glad to see someone else is already super stoked and planning for this year. I didn't have a theme last year either but this year I'm doing other bloggers' recipes so if you have any recommendations, send em over, eh? I'm listing tonight!

  6. I'm thinking this year I may just sit back and read everyone else's posts. Yours sound ambitious and exciting. Can't wait!

  7. GREAT themes Mo! You always rock the MoFO.

  8. Mo, I love the different theme for each day idea! Can't wait to see what you come up with.

  9. I'm so excited to read your blog during MoFo! I'm especially looking forward to rainbow Wednesdays & your gingerbread pop tarts!

    I'll definitely be doing MoFo again this year but I'm STILL undecided on my themes. I'll definitely be doing a week or two of the cookbook challenge I did last year but I'm not quite there with my other themes yet.

  10. Sounds super fun! I can't wait to read!

  11. Can't wait to follow what you're up to next month! Each of your themes sound really entertaining!

  12. Can't wait to read your posts, these are all great ideas for themes!

  13. What a nifty breakdown, Mo! The paper can wait. Can't wait to see what you come up with this MOFO. I did up those tofu deviled eggs you posted and they ruled. Look forward to doing MOFO again too, but didn't realize it was upon us. Yikes. Where do I signup my blog? Go Vegans!

  14. i am most excitedfaced about MoFo'n again this year as well, Mo. yay!

    i loved your videos the mostest and i cannot wait for their return! colors of the rainbow sounds gloriously yummy & fun - and the best thing i never ate is gonna kick ass. wahooo!

    this year since i'm pressed for time with work, school, and clinicals so i'm gonna keep my posts short 'n sweet. i'm going to make easy 'n awesome recipes from fellow bloggers and showcase them. w00t!

    hooooooooooooray for MoFo!

  15. AHH! I'm so excited, too!! (Should be working on my thesis...so that month should be interesting LOL). No theme yet...yours sounds AWESOME!

  16. Just came across you blog and I am super excited!

    I have just recently decided to go vegan and was needing some blogs to looks up yummy food-and yours is perfect!

    Thanks for sharing!

  17. Mo! Your ideas all sound amazing! I can NOT wait to read, especially the Food Network "veganizations" and the Rainbow Day! ^_^
