Saturday, October 25, 2008

VeganMoFo: On Holiday

If I believed in being bitter, I'd definitely have something to say about my parents moving back to the U.S. before the accent stuck. I was born in Lakenheath to two Air Force parents. I had an English entire god family. I used to say things like "Mummy, can I have a biscuit?" Then my silly parents moved to Texas. What. The. Frack.

Today, I'm salutin' all willy nilly to the good ol' Union Jack. Fish and chips, yo! Well, sweet potato chips. It's like I married two cultures people!
I'd like to take this time to say it would be really neato if I could be taken back should McCain win this election. Lookit: I love baked beans on toast. Scones are a-ok. Spike is my favorite bleached blonde vampire. I sing Lily Allen songs in the car...IN BRITISH! I'm practically one of you. You owe it to my country! We threw tea in the water for you. It was a misunderstanding. We just wanted a spot of tea. Why the carnage? WHY THE CARNAGE?!
If you look super closely, you can see the nori I attached to the tofu. This was a bit salty. I thought the batter would be bland, but it wasn't. I soaked the tofu in Bragg's. Days like this I wish I hadn't given up beer. I'm definitely soaking the 'fu in beer next time. There is no need for salt really. The batter takes care of that.

I served this with some tartar and ketchup (or catsup) for the sweet potato oven fries. It was pretty much starch heaven!


  1. *Chuckles*
    I took the day off from cooking yesterday and ate 'chip-shop' chips out of the paper. Nom,Nom,Nom. Yours look way healthier though :o)

  2. Obama! Obama! I hope you're not forced to beg for a European passoport and that evil McCain doesn't win! Your tofu fish and sweet tater chips look super yum!

  3. Oh my that looks freaking GORGEOUS!!!

  4. Yum! I've been trying to achieve vegan fish forevah.

  5. You almost had the accent? I love that accent! I'm almost bitter for you.

  6. I must say that this post cracked me up. Cheerio!

  7. I've had the best luck with beer batter for fish and chips style tofu but I can never get it quite like the chip shops in England. An mushy peas? forget it although those are hit or miss no matter where you are.

  8. wow, the "fish" looks so good. the batter looks perfect and nori flakes are cool, guv'nor. yum!
