Friday, October 24, 2008

VeganMoFo: In the Voice of Rachael Ray

Hey guys! Welcome to 30 Minute Meals. A few years ago, I made an interesting pizza casserole. Well dontcha know, decided to make its navigation as complicated as possible so I couldn't find the recipe. Well, I decided to make something for all our veggie friends today. I promise that it is supremely YUM-O!
So, you want to start off with a little EVOO. Add some thinly sliced onion and cook until translucent. Meanwhile, chop all your veggies and boil a pot of water for your pasta. Want to know what I added? You betcha! Garlic, orange and red bell peppers, mushrooms, spinach, kalamatas and capers. Get those little guys a cookin'! Then you'll add your favorite spices. For me...that's fennel seed, rubbed sage, salt, and crushed red pepper.
Now you want to add pizza sauce. Use your favorite recipe. Today, I used canned crushed tomatoes, garlic, lemon juice, Italian seasoning, soy creamer, ground cashews, salt and pepper. When everything's done just mix the sauce, pasta and veggies together and throw the whole thing in a casserole dish. Top with soy cheeze if you like...and heat in the oven. How good is that?!
While everything's cooking, I'll take this time to tell you that my family calls red wine vinegar "everyday vinegar." ::snort:: That has nothing to do with this recipe, but it's something you guys should know, ya know? Also Worcestersheershire sauce has everything but the kitchen sink in it! It's got anchovies and juniper berries and-- ERROR! ERROR! Girl, you know it's-- Girl, you know it's-- Girl, you know it's-- Girl, you know it's--

True. Worcestersheershire has nothing to do with this meal. It's just something everybody should know. Like how serving this over romaine lettuce is beyond delicious. Just sayin'.


  1. You are the best person/vegan (these two are interchangeable) EVER. I snorted a few times reading this. Gosh, that's so Rachel Ray of me!

  2. Thanks Rachel . . .err Mo. This looks fabo.
    No really, you're the best.

  3. You're hilarious! And this look damn good!

  4. What a fun post! And that looks incredible.

  5. You forgot to say "extra virign olive oil" after you said "EVOO." It's just not the same if you don't point out the obvious.

    I love that casserole. I'm a huge fan of the hotdish.

  6. Hahahahaha. If you watch more than two episodes of 30 Minute Meals you're guaranteed to hear at least five of the same stories twice. Something about her dog or her husband, or her house in upstate New York or something.

    Nice lookin' casserole!

  7. That pizza casserole looks AMAZING. Thank you for creating my food soul mate.

  8. "EVOO" and "how good is that" - perfect rachel ray!

    I can see her face grinning right now. gotta love ya, rachel (oops, monique)!

  9. I am going to make this VEEEERY soon. Yum.

  10. Oh my god...your blog is AWESOME! I dunno how it took me so long to come upon. You rock girl! :)
