Sunday, October 5, 2008

VeganMoFo: Lazy Sunday

Today marks the beginning of calendar week 2 for me: Utilize My Cookbooks Week. I decided to start with Tanya Barnard and Sarah Kramer. How It All Vegan was the first cookbook I ever owned. I don’t give this series of books nearly enough love. Since I couldn’t find HIAV, I decided to do one recipe from both Garden of Vegan and La Dolce Vegan.

It’s Sunday so I decided to veg out and have a movie set marathon. First up is the Scream collection. I’m most likely following this with Blade, Underworld and Meet the Parents. No movie extravaganza is complete without popcorn. So I made the Cracker Janes from Garden of Vegan. The name is slightly misleading, as they taste nothing like Cracker Jacks. However, they do remind me of Crunch N Munch and they are so effing addictive it’s ridiculous. Try eating a small amount. I dare you! Not gonna happen. They are sweet and crunchy and buttery and caramely and just damn good.

Cracker Jane

I decided I should eat some real food so I don’t die of a sugar coma. Last week I did a big order from Food Fight. I bought an ass load of Indian food. I’m probably gonna have to buy some more and stock up on Ramen because it is just that good.

Delhi saag from Food Fight Grocery

I made the Aloo Mattar from La Dolce Vegan. This made my house smell so wonderful. It takes no time at all and it is delicious. Seriously good. I served both the Delhi saag and aloo mattar with a quick toasted cashew and cumin rice. Good Indian food in less than twenty minutes…all Sundays should be like this.

Aloo Mattar

I encourage all of you to remember those forgotten cookbooks. If you’re anything like me, you just use the same recipes over and over and then buy new books for the collection. I’m trying to stop that habit. Tomorrow I’m making a little something from a very well known zine. For now…have a good Sunday y’all!


  1. Ooooh. See, now, I have How It All Vegan. And I have La Dolce Vegan. So I've thought to myself, do I really need The Garden of Vegan? But that popcorn thingy... that makes it seem mighty tempting, bordering on the realm of necessary...

  2. I haven't made much from these books yet, I can't remember which book it's in but Holy Frijoles (I might have spelled that horribly wrong) is awesome. I brought it to a pot luck and everyone was all over it.

  3. Mmm popcorn, perfect for a movie day, we're having a public holiday today so I got to have an extra lazy day at home :)

  4. i love the golden look of that popcorn! Sounds/looks like awesome 'company' for a movie marathon...

  5. I could jump into that aloo mattar right away!

  6. That aloo matar looks sooooo good! I loves me some indian food.
