Monday, October 6, 2008

VeganMoFo: The Accidental Substitute

Oy and a resounding Vey! It is one of those days. Today I am writing about Don’t Eat Off the Sidewalk. Katie is the entire reason I joined the PPK. I’ve been a slave to livejournal since the time you needed an actual code to be all emo. She saw me post some food porn, talk about Buffy and told me to just sign up at the Post Punk Kitchen already. I have to say that joining the boards was one of the most intimidating things I had ever done. One of my Gemini twins is incredibly socially inept and misanthropic. The other one is typing this blog.

Anyway. So, I purchased DEOTS last year after all the crazy pumpkin cinnamon rolls porn. I bought it so late in the holiday season that I had already planned my meals. And then it got too hot to even think about holiday meals. And then I just focused on making the cinnamon rolls over and over. So…I went with the very first recipe in the zine: Vegetable Stew with Herbed Dumplings.

Vegetable stew from DEOTS

Okay. I’m gonna give it to you straight. I messed up horribly..sorta. Instead of being all responsible and looking the recipe over last night, I just started making it today. I had to change some things. My initial intention was just to add some peas. That was it. Then I discovered that I was supposed to peel the potatoes before adding them. Oh and I had no dried oregano so I substituted a tablespoon of fresh. And dammit! No soy milk so I used almond. I kinda hate myself right now. The one good thing about the changes is that I don’t think any of them affected the flavor of the stew.

I used herb de Provence for the dried herbs listed in the dumpling ingredients. This stew made my house smell fabulous and my belly feel happy. I highly recommend you make it today! It will definitely put you in a fabulous mood.

This is perfect for absolutely dreary skies like today. No sun at all. I’m feeling like it’s definitely another movie day. Target had the Bill and Ted series for $5.50 (as well as a She Devil and War of the Roses bundle). I also picked up Say Anything and St. Elmo’s Fire. I might just die from all the bliss.


  1. Yum, that stew looks awesome! And I think you're ok with all the substitutions, because the recipe wasn't from vcon. :/

  2. That stew doesn't sound even a little bit messed up. That just sounds like how I cook. The only time I ever actually stick to a recipe verbatim is when cooking from Vegan Cupcakes Take Over The World... and even then I have to exercise strong control over my Evil Hand so that it doesn't dabble in spices and extracts... Man, now I want dumplings.

  3. I think that stew looks really, really good! I always try to stick to recipes...but that almost never works out. I have to try very hard, too.

  4. Sometimes the best meals, are the ones we accidently crew up. Your stew looks delicious.

  5. I agrea with Paula: that ice cream looks perfect!

  6. I just made this a week ago for the first time. Seriously good stuff, it looks like the kind of soup you can adjust to veggies you have or like or whatever pretty easily (and change the milk if you want).

  7. Bex, tell me about it. This was all I ate the other day. I'm gonna have to make it again soon. So frickin good.

  8. That's me, making PPKers.

    And you didn't mess up anything! I made this the other night and I didn't peel the potatoes because i'm lazy. I also added parsnips and leeks. The type of milk doesn't matter either.
