Wednesday, November 10, 2010

VeganMoFo IV: Vlog On It

Hello everybody!  Since I love lists so frickin hard, I thought why not do some vlogs on my favorite things.  I've filmed three so far and today I present my Top 5 Vegan Ingredients.

Note, the expressive eyebrows (runs in the family).  Also, I had to mention my sister by name because she told me that I didn't credit her idea for a pie I made two years ago.  Haha.

Happy MoFo y'all.  Any ideas for other top 5 lists?  Or any ideas for vlog subjects?  I have some blogs to read now, yo.


  1. Dear Mo,
    You rock.
    I could end it here but zomg nooch is number 1!!! Oh, spoiler alert to all you that skipped the movie and are reading the comments.

  2. Amazing! I'm excited to see you speak at VidaVeganCon :-)

  3. Nooch for the win! And I can't believe you're able to get Earth Balance sticks for 99 cents (I pay $4.29 and am now feeling slightly ripped off).
    I'd love to see a vlog post on fave kitchen utensils -- I'm always interested in what others consider indispensable.

  4. You're so adorable! Great vlog! Those are the perfect vegan ingredients to pimp--Earth Balance is amazing, and I special place in my heart for nutritional yeast (as well as anything Tofutti makes). Nicely done!

  5. Rach-Thank you! And that bit about the spoiler alert made me giggle. ::snort::

    A-K-I'm excited too! I have no idea what I'm talking about as of right now, though. :)

    Kimberly-I like that idea!

  6. I can't believe you get EB for .99! omg.. that is such a steal.

  7. Great video! You could do a whole video on ways to use tahini - it's such a great ingredient. How about a top 5 kitchen cookware list. My wok would be on that list.

  8. Mo, I love the video!

    You are getting some great deals...I can't remember how much the Buttery Sticks I get cost...(something around 2.79 or similar) and the wheat gluten I buy is like 6.99 a pound! I definitely have to take some price-shopping hints from you!

    I love all those ingredients too! Great fun. Thanks!

  9. Heehee! I loved your unsweetened milk rant! :D

    You're too cute! I would love to see a top 5 kitchen cookware/gadget list!

  10. Mo, if you would like to arrange a care package swap I could get you a proverbial shit-ton of unsweetened original Almond Breeze. ;) That stuff is ALWAYS in my fridge!

    And zomg... tahini. Always really liked it, but I'm starting to embark on a unhealthy tahini obsession. SO GOOD. And good for you. :D

    Love the vlogs! Keep 'em comin'! <3

  11. You are too cute to be alive. Clearly a robot.

  12. I love Almond Breeze! It is sooooooo yummy!

  13. Love those ingredients! My list would have to include the vegan, but not so healthy- Vegennaise and Daiya cheese. I do agree, though, nooch is #1!

  14. That is such a HUGE carton of Almond Breeze!
    Great list Mo - you are such a natural in front of the camera.

  15. More videos, or else...something!

  16. SO CUTE, Mo! And I guessed your #1 before I got to it! It's one of my faves, too!


  17. 1. You are so dang cute.
    2. I seriously envy your $.99 Earth Balance Buttery Sticks.

  18. VegSpinz, Vegenaise and Daiya were just barely edged out. Haha.

  19. Such a cute video - you look very natural talking to the camera. :)

    Oh, and I'm so envious of your almond milk. It is my favorite non-dairy milk as well, but so expensive in Denmark that I only buy it when it's seriously discounted (maybe once or twice a year?).

  20. Perhaps we can arrange a 99 cent EB sticks and 99 white chips trade-o-rama.

  21. I love the vlog! It's really fun!

  22. How about a top 5 fruit/vegetable list?

  23. Kiersten, I love that! Will do! Thanks.
