Friday, November 12, 2010

VeganMoFo IV: Like a "Meat" Cake Burnin' in My Heart

Buuuurp.  Okay, seriously y'all, I have never been this excited about a MoFo post before.  The only thing that comes close is when I did those hot dog roll ups because it was so funny!

Backstory: In late summer somebody on the PPK boards posted something about omni meatloaf cupcakes.  Most people were disgusted.  I was very intrigued.  So I did some googling and ran across this OMNI meat cake (don't click if you have a problem with seeing meat).  I liked the usage of cranberrrry, so I took that idea.  After looking up meat cakes for way too long, I found a cute take on it that involved using mixed vegetables as sprinkles.  Originally this was planned for next week, but this Vegansaurus post sparked a fire in me.

"the itis" in cake form

What you need for a 4 layer Thanksgiving "meat" cake:
Seitan-I used the seitan en croute recipe from 500 Vegan Recipes.  Replace the parsley, paprika, and garlic powder with thyme, poultry seasoning, and onion powder.  Drop the puff pastry and liquid smoke.  I halved the dough and baked each half in a cake pan (with a smaller one on top to flatten) for 35 minutes.  I probably didn't need to keep it in that long. EDIT: For gluten and/or soy free...use tofu, nut, or bean loaf.  Just bake the recipe in a cake pan and make sure it firms up enough to flip it out of the pan.

Stuffin'-Divide it into two cake pans and turn out to cool before building the cake.  I used my own recipe, which calls for sweet cornbread (adapted from Vcon).  If you don't like it sweet then you'd want to half the sugar.

Instant Potatoes-Seriously get more than you think you'll need.  I ran out, so the "frosting" isn't nearly as smooth as I'd like.

1 Sweet Potato-For one of the frosting layers.  I mixed it with a little bit of instant potato for an orange layer.  No sticky sweet marshmallow infected sweetie pots for me!  Ha ha.

Mixed Vegetables-For sprinkles, just mix into the instant potatoes for 2 of the frosting layers.

Cranberry Sauce-I used the one in Vcon because it calls for agar, which was perfect for what I had in mind.  I changed the recipe, using a mix of orange and apple juice.  I also used brown sugar and added orange zest.

the potatoes with mixed vegetable "sprinkles"

the cake before it's iced
You can basically build it any way you want.  I went with seitan on bottom because it had a sturdier (ahem...slightly browned) bottom.

Assembly went as such:
1. Seitan
2. Mixed vegetable frosting layer
3. Stuffing
4. Sweet potato frosting layer
5. Seitan
6. Mixed vegetable frosting layer

After it was assembled, I popped it in the freezer while I got the last of my potatoes ready.  It's much easier to frost this with warm potatoes.  Also, use water on your knife/spatula for easier smoothing.  For the top layer, I built a trench in the stuffing and poured warm cranberry sauce.  Then I put potatoes in a piping bag to beautify it a bit.  That last sentence makes me feel crazy.

This is the final result:

I don't know if this looks delicious, but it really is!
I would cut this while it's cold and heat up just before serving.  It's really good.  It tastes just like Thanksgiving.  You could even pour gravy over it or more cranberry sauce.  I was fine with it the way it was.

Well, everybody, I'm spent.  I think there will probably be vlogs for the next few days while we make our way through this cake (and tons of salad to combat the starches).  I'm in serious need of some nog and a nap.


  1. first post, of what is going to be an epic chapter in the world of mofo and vegan thanksgiving.

    this thing is gorgeous. it really is. i might have to replicate it with some tofu layers instead of the seitan.

    i can't imagine how long this took you to make, bake and stack, but woh woh, you will soon have our own wikipedia page, to make up for lost time.


  2. Okay, this puts the "epic" in "epic." You are certifiably INSANE! And that is why I love you: from the awesome Martha & the Vandellas reference Thing Itself, if there are nominations for "Greatest MoFo Entry 4.0," this one gets my vote! (And Kittee - Wikipedia definitely needs to be informed of this, for the sake of future generations!)

  3. You're amazing! I couldn't get up the energy to veganize a kugel last night!

  4. You are so incredibly talented. This is amazing!!

  5. There are no words. Beyond awesome!

  6. Dude. DUDE. You just made Thanksgiving dinner, in one dish.

    I bow down.

  7. i love it! i am surprisingly not appalled in the slightest!

  8. WANT!!! My boyfriend just shuddered at the sight but he is crazy..this looks amazingly good!

    I agree with the wikipedia page too...we need proof to show our grandchildren when we speak of it's epicness!

  9. !!! Wow, Mo. That's rad! It's insane and looks yumface. Good skills, buddy.

  10. Girl, you'll get famous for this one! I will make it, for sure. Yours is LOVELY!

  11. That is CRAZY AMAZING. I am simultaneously attracted and repelled, but more attracted. I like savory cake/cupcake ideas very much. Like a food trompe l'oeil! I admire your very hard work putting this together!

  12. OMG OMG. I knew it! This is probably the MoFo post to end all MoFo posts. Like... really. I also bow down.

  13. Words are not enough! This is truly epic!!

  14. I was really surprised how well everything worked together. My biggest fear was to spend so much time making it and for it to taste awful. But we loved it!

  15. I am so impressed that it held together when sliced! It looks fantastic.

  16. holy crap! that's so creative! At first, I thought it was just a layered dessert cake, and then I saw the layer of mashed potatoes and realized that this was something special. :) I'm sure this would require less clean-up too, after eating! Fewer serving plates and spoons.

  17. OMG Mo. "We're not worthy, we're not worthy...."

    I'm in love with this cake. I want this cake to have a facebook page so I can be its friend...oh, and be in a relationship with it, too! OMG, Mo, you're the queen of the world, LOL.


  18. Mo! You and me, on tour. I'll rap, you make cakes out of stuffing. it will be grand.

    Burnin' in my heart
    Hit me like a dart
    Betta get mo
    For your Thanksgiving, yo.

  19. Holy wow whoa! Super-pat on the back for this one!

  20. Fabulous! I just showed this to my omni husband who said "that looks delicious." We're traveling for Thanksgiving but it just might be our Dec 25 meal!

  21. Amazing, incredible, beautiful!

  22. This might be my favorite MoFo post yet!! Great job, Mo!!!!

  23. Oh MY goodness. This tops all I've seen to date. You are FAB!!!!

  24. This has to be the coolest MoFo meal ever! I love it!

  25. omg.. I am laughing so hard at this post.. It's just brilliant.. and wow.. at first I thought it was a real cake...
    You are one creative cookie!

  26. Whoa! That is some serious vegan Thanksgiving fare! It's hearty and adorable at the same time.

  27. Hell yes! You showed that meat cake who's boss!

  28. mind. blown. you are my hero, Mo! wow. just wow!

  29. This is so amazing. It looks perfect!

  30. Amazing idea and you made it look so yummy!

  31. Holy Crap, this is the best thing I have ever seen in my life. You totally outdid my Gobbler post:) Your cake looks AMAZING. I would totally be expecting a cake... awesome!

  32. aaaaawwww shiiiiit girl, you done did it. i mean IT. if mfdoakes were alive, he'd say "what in the hell is that? gimme somma that, mo!"

    i'm so making this for thanksgiving.

  33. Mo! I am bowing down to your greatness. Seriously girl I can't get over how much this ROCKS!

  34. Oh and it does look delicious - it really does. I'm much more of a savoury toothed person and this just sings all kinds of melodies to me.

  35. You are so creative, clever and AHHH-MAZING!

    I wonder if this would be a good way to celebrate my first ever Thanksgiving???!!!

  36. Do you need another comment telling you how wonderful this is and how you are amazing?

    This is wonderful.

    You are amazing.

    (Just in case.)

  37. hecks ya! if i could eat seitan i would be all over this! the stuff people come up with. :)

  38. Words cannot describe what I think of this genious idea! Who wouldn't want a slice of this. It's the main meal and side dishes all in one huge slice. You just need a salad to go on the side. How long did it take you to put this together?

  39. One word... GENIUS!

  40. I never, ever, ever say this but OMG!!! You're either a genius or crazy (in a good way, of course). This just cracks me up. Wow. It even looks like it would be fun and tasty to eat. Top this, I dare you!

  41. Mo, this outdoes the omni meat cake is SO many ways! This is fantastic!!

  42. OH MY GOD MO. OMGM! This is the most astounding feat of culinary wizardry! First of all, it is so incredibly beautiful, I just can't believe it. Second of all, it sounds and looks so delicious. I want to eat it all RIGHT NOW. I am most totally 100% going to make this someday. It is so fun and special and weird and awesome. Like you! You have been elevated to the next level.

  43. Wow! That is amazing! All the flavors of Thanksgiving in on place! I will have to try this when I have lots of energy and company.
    I'm doing Vegan MoFo on my blog too, and I'm trying to visit as many fellow MoFoer's as possible. I'm so glad I discovered your blog, it's wonderful!

  44. Wow wow wow! This looks simply amazing. I'm actually working on my own version of this RIGHT NOW...I hope mine measures up to this one! :)

  45. That is such a freakin' trick on the eyes. I wanted it then I wasn't sure and then. . . I definitely wanted it. I have no idea how to feal about a seitan cake, but this is definitely the gateway to the biggest case of the itis I have ever had. Rock on, Mo.

  46. I admit that when I saw the original meat version it barely looked edible and I didn't even want to see it veganized. You've totally changed my mind. That is one amazing cake.

  47. oh wow. this has blown my mind and i love you forever.

  48. This is the craziest thing I've ever seen.
    I'm tempted to bring one of these to an omni thanksgiving to see peoples reactions. Awesome!

  49. This is incredible! My boyfriend's birthday is on Thanksgiving this year, and we joked about making him a Tofurky cake. But this is so much more epic! Awesome job, and I can only imagine how ridiculously Thanksgiving that must have tasted.

  50. This is awesome! The closest I've ever come is a cornbread cupcake frosted with mashed potatoes and topped with mac & cheese.

  51. Mo! That's awesome! And you made it seem actually appetizing. I like the mixed veggies as sprinkles. I'd totally smother it all in gravy, because I really love gravy.

    You're so cool.

  52. Whoa. Wow. Oh the shear awesomeness.

  53. epic, just plain epic.

  54. Your mind is the best place. Input nasty meat creation that transgresses all decency. Output single-meal T-giving badassery.

    Hardcore hats off, Mo!

  55. i raise a glass to you. hearing "vegan meat cake," i resisted, but it's not gross at all--and it looks pretty doable. thanks so much for being crazy enough to try this!

  56. I just wanted to tell you that I did my own version of this today! I wrote about it on my blog, and all cred goes to YOU!

  57. CHOW is asking people to submit their pictures of their own 'meat cakes', and I think you should totally send in yours! (;post-67026#more-67026) 'Cause you know, it's vegan. And awesome. :) -Eve

  58. super cool! i will try something like this soon

  59. I want to cry looking at that...beautiful, just so damn beautiful.

  60. .....EPIC!!!
    I shared this on my FB page, Vegan Radiance. I have not been this excited over a dish in a long time. =) Nicely done!
