Tuesday, November 30, 2010

VeganMoFo IV: Baskets, Road Trips, and More!

I can't believe it's over already!  Well, sorta.  This month feels like it started forever ago, but the year is swiftly coming to an end and I'm wondering where the time went.  This has been my favorite VeganMoFo to date.  I just felt more connected to a community that I have come to thoroughly enjoy over the past few years.  I saw some of the greatest blogging in my life this year.  There are tons of new blogs I fell in love with (and thousands of posts I have to read).  More than anything, I'm proud of pushing myself further than I ever thought I'd go.  So, thanks to everybody for a wonderful November!  I have a ton of blogs to catch up on but I will do it...even if it takes several months. :)

I decided to make a short video about my vegan journey and why I know I'll be vegan for the rest of my life.  Pardon the video thumbnail.  Youtube seriously hates me because there was this one and two others with my mouth wide open and me looking crazy!

Next month, Era and I are taking the dogs and driving to San Antonio.  I'm dreading it a bit because of my Spring Break trip, but I'll have another driver with me this time so it shouldn't be so bad.  I'm excited and trying to think of some good, healthy road trip foods because I hate wasting money at fast food places and would rather not stop.  I'm the type of road tripper who loves going for 5 hours straight, only stopping to get gas.

I've also spent today thinking about Christmas/Festivus gifts to give to the family.  I'm doing gift bags this year because I can't afford more than that until Southern California decides it wants to hire people again.  I always love making gift baskets or bags because it's cheap but takes a lot of effort.  I thought I'd share my formula with you.

I try to go with something sweet, something savory, something inedible, and something d-i-y.  I'm still trying to narrow down the cookies I'm making.  But I think I'm going with a couple of different cookies, biscotti, breads, and crackers.  Also thinking candy and spiced nuts.  Each person gets a little of each.  Here are examples of stuff I did in the past.

Breakfast Basket
Jam, Wholesome cookies
Pancake Mix

Secret Santa
Mug, Tin
Three kinds of cookies
Savory Crackers

Christmas 07
Cookies, toffee, bread

Game Night
Board Game, Cards
Chips, Snack Mix

The possibilities are endless.  That's why I love giving them.  It's never a boring ordeal.  What do you like to put in a gift basket or bag?


  1. Great job, Mo! You've done an amazing job this month. I love your blog.

  2. I love getting vegan food for Festivus or any other holiday or reason. Edibles gifts are the best!

  3. Any of those baskets would be awesome!

    Happy Mofo!

  4. Great job on the MoFo Mo! Your posts were all so fun, informative, creative, and full of deliciousness! I really enjoyed all your videos...keep em' coming! You're a natural.

    Your gift ideas sound fun too! I really like the Game Night idea!

  5. I don't think I've ever gotten a gift basket! I'd be so tickled just to get one.

    Thanks for a great mofo! I've really enjoyed your posts all month :)

  6. You brought the MoJo to the MoFo, Mo Mo!

  7. It's been great fun reading your inventive mofo posts, Mo. All of your gift baskets sound wonderful. I think chocolate is always useful in a gift basket, and I like to include something local and special from where I live.

  8. great ideas for gifts! Although I am considering giving 'meat' cakes in all my holiday baskets this year ;)

  9. You owned it this month Mo. So much fun reading and watching your cooking adventures.

  10. I have loved reading your blog during MoFo - it has been one of my favorites, and I'll certainly keep following it. :)

    All your gift basket ideas sound fun! I have only made few gift baskets in my life so far, but I'm always collecting ideas for "some day". One idea might be a basket for someone who loves to read: maybe a book, warm socks, and some chocolate. ;)

  11. Thanks for helping to make my first MoFo so fun. I have loved your videos and tips and just great spirit. I will be more disciplined next year, and I already can't wait to be a part. Have a great holiday!!

  12. You really do put a lot of effort into those baskets. I don't do nearly so much, but one good one I had was giving my brother and his then girlfriend a "game night" - an inexpensive but cute game from a museum gift shop, a bottle of Cheap Red Wine (it's actually called that), and some snacks. I can't remember the snacks; it was years ago.

  13. I have been reading your posts sporadically throughout the month. I love your blog. You basket ideas are awesome. Every year I make cookies for my 35 trouble shooters. I find really cute little bags and make tags for each one. I missed last year because I was so busy. The boyz were not pleased.

    This year I'm thinking about giving a few friends home made soup. I plan on using quart canning jars and decorating with some pretty Christmas fabric between the ring and the lid.

  14. I have enjoyed your MoFo posts, Mo!

    I hope you have a great road trip, we do what you do, keep on driving until you reach your destination, only stopping for toilet breaks and petrol.

    I took gluten free pretzels, muesli/snack bars and bananas with us.
