Wednesday, November 3, 2010

VeganMoFo IV: All Around the World Same Song

Well, folks.  Unfortunately, I am still editing video.  Henceforth, I am not going to say when it will be done because I'm totally giving myself ojo.  I suppose it's time to let you in on the "surprise" so it's not one of those things you wait and wait for...only to be disappointed.  I promise I'm not a flake.  The video in quesion isn't just a regular vlog.  It's the first episode of an online cooking show!  Eep!  It's out in the universe now.

I'll go more into detail when I actually post the video.  In short, I feel like MoFo is a time to step out of our respective comfort zones and try something new.  I've wanted to do this for years, but I have such a huge fear of failure that I couldn't allow myself to put my face, ideas, and recipes out there.  Because, Whedon forbid, somebody didn't like something I loved!  Haha.  What I've come to realize is that you can't fail if you're having fun.  While the first episode was less fun and more nerves, we have since filmed two others that are fun.  And the credits are fun.  Anyway, on to today...

Ever since River posted about Eating Around the World, I've wanted to do it.  I did way too much research looking for recipes that seemed easily veganizable, but never got around to making them.  Today, it's all about Belgium.  Ever since I heard of stoemp, I wanted to make it.  It's this potato and vegetable dish that just called to me.  It's usually served with meat of some kind, often sausage, so I made my own chipolata sausage adapted from this recipe.  As I understand it chipolata is actually French, but it was the easiest sausage recipe that came up when I searched for "Belgian sausages."

Adapted from this and this.

1 Tbsp oil
1 leek, thinly sliced (white and light green parts)
1/2 lb green cabbage, roughly chopped
1 large carrot, peeled and diced
salt and pepper to taste
1 garlic clove, minced
1/2 cup chikn flavored vegetable broth
1/2 Tbsp apple cider vinegar
1 1/2 cups water

1 1/2 lbs russet potatoes, peeled and diced
2 1/2 Tbsp vegan margarine
1/4 cup unsweetened non dairy milk, plus more to taste
pinch of nutmeg (optional)
1/3 cup imitation bacon

In a large skillet, heat the oil over medium high.  Add the leeks and cook until softened.  Add the cabbage and carrots and cook until softened and slightly browned.  Add salt and pepper to taste.  Now add the minced garlic and cook for a minute or so.  Use the broth and the vinegar to deglaze the pan.  Cook through until there is just a little bit of liquid left.  Add water, bring to a boil, then lower the heat to a simmer.  Remove from heat when most of the liquid has evaporated.  The vegetables should look moist and tender but not wet.  Set aside.

In a large pot, cover the potatoes in water and bring to a boil.  Once cooked, drain and set aside.  In the same pot melt the margarine.  Once melted, add the non dairy milk and heat through.  Remove from heat and add the potatoes.  Mash until they are semi smooth (more smashed than mashed).  Add pepper to taste and a pinch of nutmeg, if using.  If you want a creamier potato add some more non dairy milk.  Fold in the vegetables and the imitation bacon.  Salt to taste.

stoemp and chipolata
Chipolata Seitan Sausage
makes 12 mini sausages

1 1/2 cups vital wheat gluten
1/4 cup nutritional yeast
3 Tbsp chickpea flour
1/2 Tbsp rubbed sage
1/2 tsp granulated onion
1/2 tsp thyme
1/2 tsp allspice
1 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper
1 1/2 cups chilled chikn flavored vegetable broth (or regular broth)
2 Tbsp oil
2 garlic cloves, pressed

Get 12 squares of foil ready and get your steamer going before you begin.  Mix vital wheat gluten, nutritional yeast, chickpea flour, and spices in a medium bowl.  In a separate bowl combine broth, oil, and garlic.  Add the wet ingredients to the dry, stirring to incorporate.  Knead for a couple of minutes.  Divide the seitan into twelve pieces and place each in a square of foil, rolling them up and twisting the ends along the way.  Steam for 30 minutes.  Bring to room temperature before using.

I basically browned the sausages in the same pan I cooked the stoemp veggies in.  Then I deglazed he pan with some beer and reduced that sucka.  Seriously good stuff!


  1. This sounds like a great meal for a dark, cold, rainy Seattle winter night. Bookmarked. Cabbage, carrots and potatoes is one of my favorite combos.

  2. I've never heard of stoemp before, your version sounds delicious! I am all over those sausages too!

  3. Stoemp sounds like a win to me! I'm a big fan of mixing things into mashed potatoes.

  4. This looks so yum! And I love the cook around the world idea. <3

  5. Holy cow that looks delicious! And an online cooking show?!?! I can't wait!! I bet it's gonna be awesome.

  6. Wow, it looks great! I am looking forward to your video. I snorted with laughter at the "whedon forbid" comment!

  7. I want me some stoemp!

  8. Oh man, I'm even more excited about a vegan cooking show. YEY!

    also, that chipolata sausage sounds great. I really need to find a good source of wheat gluten locally.

  9. YAY for a cooking show! Now I can wait to see it! Should I start pestering you to post it already? I'm very good at pestering people into doing things! :D

    And YAY for E.A.T World! Potatoes, leeks, sausage? That's my kind of meal! I'm going to stalk your E.A.T travels because I will be needing lots of inspiration this month.

  10. Your cooking show is going to be awesome! :)

  11. Leeks don't get enough love! This sounds so good!

  12. Those look ridiculously good. I'm psyched to hear about your online cooking show, yay!

  13. What a hearty, colorful meal! I may just have to make my first vegan sausage.

  14. I just learned about all sorts of new things from reading this post ... like that there are a such thing as Belgian sausages and that I really want to eat Stoemp. I look forward to the online cooking show!

  15. Fancy!

    Looking forward to your cooking show vlog! GO YOU!

  16. I've never really been into sausages but these sound pretty good. May have to give them a try!!!! You may convince me!

  17. Yay for stoemp! And luckily I have one sausage left from my recent experiment in baking seitan, so that's perfect!
    Thanks for sharing this.

  18. Yum, that's my kinda food! I can't wait for your cooking show -I bet it'll be awesome.

  19. Hello from Belgium! Your stoempot looks delicious. Now for some local pride :) The name in Dutch means 'mashed in a pot' and is a mash of some sort. It's Dutch comfort food. It's 'stoemp' in the Brussels dialect (Bruxellois), in French it's a potée, and in the Netherlands it's a stoempot; but I've seen this first in the Netherlands and the name is thus emblazoned in my mind :) Never thought of veganizing it, thanks for the inspiration!

  20. I'm super excited to see a cooking show from you! Your cooking always seems so joyful.

  21. Wow, as a Belgian and a regular 'stoemp'maker this looks good. I never blog about it, because for us it's just common food but it's funny to read it's kinda exotic to you.

  22. i'm super mucho excited about your cooking show, Monique. that is ridiculously awesome! i don't have the guts to try it and i think it's amazing that you kick ass and did!

    i've never of stoemp before - but just give me something with leeks, potatoes, and cabbage and i'm all over it. your plate looks deeeelicious - i love the chipolata sausages as well. not only are they cute, but tasty look'n! mmmmmmm!

  23. When I read about your show, I literally threw my arms up in the air in celebration. I so look forward to seeing you shine. And, I am ALL OVER this sausage recipe, that looks great. I am going to try them immediately
    -Ty (Meccabell on PPK)

  24. I am so excited to see your show!! Woohoo! Good for you for putting yourself out there.

  25. That looks perfect!

  26. Yum....this looks and sounds awesome! I do believe I must try this out! :o)

  27. Potatoes, cabbage, and leeks? Sounds good to me.

  28. Yay for more E.A.T Worlders! I have never heard of stoemp but now I really want to make some!
