Thursday, February 18, 2010

Sushi Assassin and Allergy/Sinus Remedies

This week has been hell on my allergies/sinus troubles.  I've had to take those extreme allergy and sinus pills, so I've been walking around like a zombie.  I had to stop taking them because I barely had enough energy to go walking.  It was insane.

But I'm still on track.  In fact, I think I might shorten the rest of my goals to five pound increments because this is already going so much better than expected.  But I don't know.  I'll feel it out.

This weekend a friend flew in from San Antonio so we picked her up at the airport and four of us went out for sushi.  Let me tell you something about Era and our friend, Roy...they are sushi assassins.  Era especially.  It's like he's got a bottomless stomach when it comes to the stuff.  I think he ordered something like four regular sized rolls.  Alls I know is that they had to make about 4 or 5 trips to the table.  I enjoyed some agedashi tofu, inari, and the most beautiful veggie roll ever.

It seriously looked like a jewel.  The most brightest and beautifulest seaweed salad, cucumber, some carrot, sprouts, avocado, and some sorta pickled radish in the middle..all wrapped up in nori.  The radish was this translucent yellow.  Mmmm.

So, here's what happened last week.  I'm probably posting again today with the rest of this week.

Thurs 2-11-10
veggie scramble (yukon potatoes, red chard, creminis, roma tomato, and Italian Daiya)
acai juice
tofish taco w/ broccoli slaw, avocado, and cilantro lime crema
cinnamon puffins w/ blackstrap molasses and almond milk
2 bean and cheese chalupas w/ avocado, tomato, cilantro lime crema, and broccoli slaw
40 oz water
EXERCISE: 40 min walking

Fri 2-12-10
cream of rice w/ soymilk, evaporated cane juice, goji berries, cinnamon and vanilla
about 2 tbsp white choc peanut butter
hashbrowns w/ Italian and cheddar Daiya, gf bacn bits and broccoli slaw
french dip sammich (small baguette, sauteed onion, thinly sliced seitan, avocado, mayo, and dipping sauce) w/ a mixed green salad and balsamic vinaigrette*
60 oz water
EXERCISE: 20 min walking.  1 hour heavy duty cleaning (it counts!)

Sat 2-13-10
rice cereal w/ bananas and soymilk
chickpea flour pizza (sauce, gf bacn bits, Italian Daiya, cremini, kalamatas and fresh basil) w/ cucumber salad
goji berries
unsweetened plain soy yogurt w/ banana, pecans, and cinnamon Puffins
Irish breakfast tea, evaporated cane juice, and soymilk
40 oz water
EXERCISE: 20 min walking.  30 min Wii Sports (bowling, baseball, tennis)

Sun 2-14-10**
sliced potatoes w/ Italian and cheddar Daiya, gf bacn bits and salsa
agedashi tofu, 2 sm inari sushi, 1 veggie roll
40 oz iced tea
agua de coco paleta***
10 oz gingerale
1.5 glasses of wine
2 sourpatch kids
handful of tortilla chips
20 oz water
EXERCISE: 30 min pilates. 10 min skooling fools on Wii Fit Plus

*The French Dip was from Native Foods.  One of the best sandwiches I've ever put in my mouth.  And that dipping sauce!

**Not the greatest food day because of the wine, soda, and stale sourpatch kids (blech), but we were all hanging out and having fun.  Also, it didn't affect anything.

***Paletas are these Mexican popsicles made with fresh fruit, sometimes sugar, water and/or milk.  I got the coconut one that's made with coconut water and coconut cream.  It also had toooons of grated coconut.  So good.

So that's how last week went.  Depending on how many more of the sweet potatoes I attack, I may have even more blog action this afternoon.

Until then, I'd love to hear your home remedies for allergy and sinus problems.  Well, I'm off to get ready for class.


  1. It's scary to be out with sushi assassins, especially when you're sharing.

    For the sinus stuff - do you use a neti pot? It helps my husband a lot.

    I really admire your diet discipline.

  2. I feel your sinus pain! For the last few weeks I've had the worst face-ache, so I make green smoothies, raw green soup, avoid sugar and take garlic, horseradish, vitC tablets. It goes away but within a few days my head is feeling stuffy again. Agh! My book on healing naturally suggests a few days of steamed onions and greens as well as the garlic, vitC and steam bowls with eucalyptus. I hope you feel better, stat!

    I can be a bit of a sushi assassin, 3-4 rolls of avo sushi but the ones here aren't huge and I usually feel way too full afterwards.

    And cleaning totally counts as exercise!

  3. I agree, house cleaning etc, sure does give a workout.

    Sorry about the sinus pain, Neti pots are great for the sinuses, as well as cleaning up the diet with greens, garlic,well you know all of that raw good stuff and lots of water.
