Tuesday, February 2, 2010

One Month Down...

Can you believe January is over.  Time flies when you're old.  In the past few weeks I've discovered a ridonkulous amount of gray hairs.  Meh.  I'm not rushing to dye so they'll be staying with me for a while.

Things are going well for me right now.  I'm so close to my first goal that I can taste it.  I was hoping to get there by the end of January but I didn't quite make it.  But here are the stats.

January Weight Loss: 8.6 lbs.  Holla!

Sat 1-30-10
cashew tofu (celery, snap peas, baby corn, mushroom, bell pepper, and carrot) w/ steamed white rice
2 Irish breakfast teas w/ sugar and lite coconut milk
roast (yukon golds, carrots, shallots,celery, and chickpeas)
more roast
40 oz water

The roast I made on Saturday was ridiculously good and so fricking simple.  I took 4 small carrots, 2 yukon golds, 2 celery stalks, 3 shallots, and a 15 oz can of chickpeas (drained) and threw them in a bowl (after chunking the veggies, of course).  I added a pinch of thyme and rubbed sage, olive oil, salt and pepper to taste then mixed it together.  Put it in a pan and covered the whole thing with 1.5 cups of veggie broth.  I put foil over the pan and placed in a 375ish oven for 35-40 mins.  Then took off the foil and cooked another 10 minutes.  The vegetables were like buttah.  Seriously melt-in-your-mouth good.

Sun 1-31-10
apricot halves
2 dark chocolate mint thins
1 sm pear w/ white choc peanut butter
2 chocolate mint thins
leftover roast
plain unsweetened soy yogurt w/ raisins, cinnamon, agave, and walnuts
60 oz. water
EXERCISE: 30 min pilates

Mon 2-01-10
spoonful white choc peanut butter, small pear 1/2 cup plain unsweetened soy yogurt
4 dark chocolate mint thins
rice cereal w/ dried cherries, cinnamon, pecans, and lite coconut milk
2 veggie sushi rolls w/ soy sauce, wasabi, pickled ginger and edamame
2 cups of unsweetened green tea
60 oz water

My latest discovery is that a local store (Fresh and Easy) sells these awesome dark chocolate mint thins.  So good.  If you love junior mints or peppermint patties, these things rule!  I thought this was an awesome find, but somebody told me Trader Joe's has them and I saw the same thing in World Market today.  Not the same brand but the same thing.

I could live in World Market.  They always have really awesome finds.  From the incredibly good chocolate to a ton of vegan Indian food.  And they sell a ginormous thing of capers.  Digressing.

Tomorrow begins Operation: Sweetie Pots.  I'll be sure to keep y'all updated on my adventures.


  1. CONGRATS! 8.6 lbs is great success. I think it took me a couple of months to lose that much (couldn't stay away from sweets!).

  2. 8.6 lbs is AMAZING mo! WooHooo!

    *high fives*

    That roast looks delicious! So simple too.
    Keep on rocking.

  3. Congrats on the huge weightloss, Mo! Wow, you are doing really great.

  4. 8.6 lbs!! GREAT JOB!!!! WOOO!!!

  5. Congratulations on that 8.6! Way to go!

  6. time does fly on by when you're older - i totally agree. the older i get the more i notice it happening. makes me a little sadfaced, but it's all good!

    rock on with the weight loss so far, Monique! wahooooo! and that roast sounds mightly deeeelish (and it looks comforting and awesome too)! your posts always remind me to drink more water, and i need to get my ass to world market and snag some of those mint thins!

  7. Your meal up there with the chickpeas and potatoes looks very tasty!

    I forgot about Cost Plus World Market, they do have great indian food items, teas etc.

  8. Hey, I just wanted to say congratulations! You're doing an awesome job, and I'm looking forward to seeing more progress next month! Hollah!

  9. 8.6 pounds in a month is great! I love those mint thins, too. I only buy them when I plan on sharing, though because I can't control myself. That roast sounds yummy!

  10. You're doing so great with your healthy eating, exercise, and weight loss... I'm inspired to get my act together this month!

    I definitely second the love of World Market, for their selection of interesting and affordable chocolate, coffee, and other goodies. I buy too many pretty dishes there, too.

  11. Congratulations, Mo! You're cruising through your weight-loss!

    My condolences on your gray hairs. I found my first ones a couple of years ago and it was very shocking! Now they just keep coming so I've decided to live with them. Gray hair looks pretty cool though, beautiful Ms. Helen Mirren comes to mind! :-)
