Sunday, January 17, 2010

The End of Week 2

I keep a food journal because I like to view what I eat and see when I made not-so-great choices.  What is truly insane was that I started a journal in 2008, when I was so certain I'd stick to a plan.  After viewing my many attempts at losing weight, I realized that these past 17 days have been the longest stretch of keeping a food journal active.  Yay me!

So, I'm just starting the third week and I am already feeling a difference.  It's so rewarding.  I forgot how great it feels to work out and eat well.  I'm not eating as much raw as I'd like because we are cleaning out the pantry right now, but I'm already more than half way to my first goal.

I try to measure stuff but sometimes I don't.  I also work really hard to have a lot of smaller meals throughout the day because my number one problem is not eating enough meals and making up for it with huge portion sizes.

sweet potato tapioca w/ crushed dark chocolate-ginger bar and almonds

Thurs 1-14-10
flax pancake w/ almonds, agave, and sliced pear
gluten free penne w/ garlic, lemon juice, & capers and a romaine salad
12 oz soy nog
2 pineapple rings
pineapple collards (Isa tester) and black eyed peas
60 oz water
EXERCISE: 20 min walk, 40+ min kickboxing, dancing, and jump rope

Fri 1-15-10
2 pineapple rings and 8 oz vanilla hazelnut rice milk
English breakfast tea w/ sugar and vanilla hazelnut rice milk
black eyed peas w/ sweet potatoes, pineapple collards, & brown rice w/ sriarcha
black eyed peas w/ sweet potatoes
1 cup unsweetened sweet potato tapioca pudding w/ pecans, choc chips, and almonds
green tea w/ agave
40 oz water
EXERCISE: 20 minute walk

white bean mash w/ garlic oil and parsley

Sat 1-16-10
1 cup unsweetened sweet potato tapioca pudding w/ agave drizzle and sliced peach
miso soup (gluten free penne, mixed veg, ginger, garlic, red pepper flakes, red miso)
1 cup unsweetened sweet potato tapioca pudding w/ agave, almonds, and dark choc w/ ginger
1 cup of rice cereal, cinnamon, dried cherries, and almond milk
white bean mash w/ parsley and garlic oil, low sodium green beans, and romaine salad w/ catalina dressing
English breakfast tea w/ agave and lemon
60 oz water

So my latest obsession is sweet potato tapioca pudding.  It's something I just sorta made up.  Some of Era's students gave him a box of sweet potatoes and limas (a cross between oranges and lemons).  I had a monster sweet potater and was fiending for something dessert like.  I used minute tapioca (fat free), almond milk, cinnamon, ginger, and 1/2 a huge baked sweet potato.  I'll put up a recipe when I make it again.

Well, I just finished my workout for the day so I've got a date with Netflix.  Werd to the nerd.


  1. That tapioca looks really yummy.

    I keep a food diary too on sparkpeople, because I'm dieting. But i admit I tend to lapse at the weekend!!

  2. Awesome, Mo! Keep up the good work!

  3. man does that tapioca pudding sound amazing. do you have any hints for tapioca? i'm still afraid of it. LOL.

  4. Wow, congratulations on keeping up with the food journal. I usually last a pathetic 3 days if I try really really hard. You are doing so well! Keep it up!

  5. Very balanced meals! You and I both love our English Breakfast Tea! :)

    They say that it takes the brain approximately 21 days to create a new habit, so it looks like your journal-keeping is here to stay! :)

  6. That tapioca pudding sounds delicious! I keep starting and stopping a food journal, too, but I keep letting things get in the way. You're inspiring me to start doing it again!
