Sunday, November 22, 2009

Green Eggz N Hamm and PB&J French Toast Sticks

Green tofu and seitan ham just doesn't have the same ring to it.  Ha ha.  So, for VeganMoFo I was supposed to do a Food Network Friday featuring these two recipes.  It was funny.  I was actually watching Food Network that week (which I rarely do since my class started) and the show was about green eggs and ham and pb&j pancakes!  I was pretty stoked.  It fit in with my food memories theme, but I never got around to making it last month.

This morning I decided to make it finally.  Instead of spending a bunch of time veganizing the recipes, I just went with what I knew.  Plus, it took forever because I made pesto, seitan and pesto jack (more on that later) from scratch before I started making the scramble.  So I opted to make pb&j French toast sticks instead of the pancakes.

For the tofu, I made a scramble out of zucchini, spinach, and red bell pepper (for color).  I salted and sauteed the vegetables until soft and a lot of the liquid was gone.  Then I added the crumbled tofu and cooked for about 10 minutes more.  I turned off the heat and stirred in huge spoonfuls of pesto until it was geen enough for me.

I ended up using Isa's recipe in Vegan with a Vengeance.  I made two changes based on what I had.  I did 2 cups basil and 1 cup spinach.  I also did half toasted sunflower seeds and half toasted pepitas instead of the walnuts.  Era and I thoroughly enjoyed it!

I wasn't expecting much from the French toast, but it was so freaking good!  Of course, this means that I didn't write the recipe down.  The batter was simple: So Delicious plain unsweetened coconut milk, some creamy natural peanut butter, chickpea flour, whole wheat pastry flour, cinnamon, and vanilla.  I've gotta recreate this stuff.

I topped it with a sprinkling of powdered sugar and some cherry preserves.  I love breakfast so freaking much!!!!

Back to the pesto jack...I got it in my head to tweak The Ultimate Uncheese Cookbook's jack block uncheese.  Last year I made the pepper jack, but I remember it being too oniony.  Plus, I wanted to try to make it feel less jellied.  The result wasn't great.  It wasn't bad, but I upped the cashews and didn't change the other spices enough so the flavor wasn't as well rounded as I'd like.  The texture was better than I remembered though.  I'll post some pics tomorrow.


  1. Fabulous as always!!! The french toast is callin my name!

  2. peanut butter and jelly french toast sticks sound most glorious, Monique! i can totally see how trying to make pancakes on top of seitan and pesto would be a bit too much. i'll take french toast sticks over pancakes any day. mmmmmm! breakfast really is the best, and i'm totally looking forward to your pesto jack recipe, too. yay!

  3. Kim-I was surprised at how much I could taste the peanut butter, but it was super!

    Jessy-French toast sticks are definitely awesome. I kinda like them better than French toast. They remind me of being a little and how my parents used to buy the frozen ones.

    Mollyjade-Make it! So GOOD!

  4. I hate when I don't write recipes down, too. That looks like an amazing breakfast.

  5. the french toast sounds so good!

  6. I haven't made french toast in years! I hate to admit it but my son is 11 and I don't think he's ever eaten it before. BAD BAD I KNOW. Anyways yours looks absoulutely delicious!

  7. Don't you hate it when a recipe that you're making up as you go kicks butt but you don't write the exact ingredients and measurements? Why can't that happen with crappy recipes? With crappy recipes I write down every single detail! :-D

  8. PB&J french toast sounds amazing! You have to share the recipe when you figure out how to make it again.

  9. PB battered toast is such a great idea! I bet it was so delicious. And your green scramble sounds great.

  10. Ohhh man. I am totally making that French Toast as soon as I get home from Sydney!
    By the way, my wordpress is unlocked now! :)
    xx Liz
