Saturday, November 14, 2009

Breakfast Pizza

Guess what's back, y'all?!  Candy Cane Joe-Joe's!  Guess what I still haven't seen?  Silk Nog.  What the fizzle?  I am starting to jones for my favorite holiday drink which I kindly stole and adapted from Pamela last year.  It currently doesn't have a name.  I'd love to hear any ideas.  I was thinking a spiced white russian, but that's not hilarious or clever.

It's basically a white russian made with espresso vodka, nog, and kahlua.  Last year, I got my family and my sister's coworker hooked on the stuff.  It's like liquid crack.  Hopefully, I can find some nog before Thanksgiving.

Anyway.  Today, I woke up with a burning desire for breakfast pizza!  I remember eating this stuff as a kid every once in a while.  It was my favorite.  I only knew two things this morning: there was no way in hell tomato sauce would touch the thing, and I wanted a biscuit crust.

What I basically did was take this biscuit recipe and press it into the bottom of my dish.  I baked it initially for 8-10 minutes at 375 degrees.  Then I layered one thinly sliced russet potato (boiled slightly after slicing and seasoned with salt and pepper), 1/4 cup bacn bits, tofu scramble (with shallots, kale and red bell pepper), and spicy tempeh sausage queso (a recipe I'm working on).  Then I heated it for about 20 minutes.  It was super good.  When I was taking the photo, a bee was trying to attack me.  Good times.  The pizza was greeeeeeat, though.

Tomorrow I'm going to see if I can make some eggnog ice cream, dammit!  I'll try to post the results soonish.  Have a good Saturday.


  1. You are making me hungry, and yet you are *not* coming to my house and cooking anything for me. You know what we call that? We call that triflin', Mo. Yeah, that's right, I said it.

  2. that white russian sounds really good. Maybe you could name it after the Big Lebowski. The Dude loved white Russians.

  3. Mihl-Yeah, Americans are crazy with their breakfasts!

    Melissa-Oh no you di'n't! ;)

    Melisser-Breakfast pizza is something everybody needs in their life. It puts a little cheer in your day!

    LazySmurf-I think you're on to something there! My friend told me the exact same thing!

  4. Wow, can I come over for breakfast? Holy crap.

  5. I totally want to know the recipe for the sausage queso when you get it perfected. I can see that going so many places(Nachos! Breakfast tacos! Nachos!).

    You haven't seen Silk Nog? I've both Nog and Pumpkin Spice. That's what you get for moving away from Texas!

  6. sweet, sweet awesomeness, Monique! on both the noggy russian & the breakfast pizza! i had no idea there was such a thing as espresso vodka - oh my gosh - yay! breakfast pizza sounds absolutely damn delicious & it looks it, too! sorry a bee was coming after you. i freak out when they do that & squeal a bit - cracks dan up. ah ha ha! looking forward to your nog ice cream, too. mmmmmmmm!

  7. The bee just wanted some of that yummy pizza! Can't blame the little guy for trying! :-D

    Have fun making eggnog ice cream!

  8. This looks awesome - way better than a breakfast casserole!

  9. A friend of mine got his hands on Pumpkin Spice Silk Nog and then immediately suggested making a White Russian with it. I think this is begging to be done.

  10. Your breakfast pizza looks AMAZING. In our house we have extreme loyalty to a pizza recipe from The Vegan Sourcebook (it's French bread -- or even pitas or anything like that -- w/a tofu-based tomato spread & veggies on top) but I might have to try this. :)

    I've recently discovered your blog & am really loving it. It makes me hungry, always a good sign!!
