Sunday, October 4, 2009

VeganMoFo III: Domingo! Domingo! Domingo!

What a busy Sunday.  Laundry, working out, catching up on the dvr, and I still have homework to do.  SERENITY NOW!  Today marks the beginning of health week.  I'm going to be eating sensible meals and posting mosaics of my daily intake.  Of course my attempt to be sensible for MoFo means that a bunch of blogs were posting pictures of chocolate chip cookies and delicious looking cupcakes today!  I think I did pretty good, though.

So why health week?  I have been trying to lose the same amount of pounds for years.  I never really struggled with weight until I was 13.  It was a domino effect for me.  I got really depressed and stopped being active which caused me to gain weight and that caused certain jackasses to torment me for being "fat" which caused me to turn to food which made me gain weight...  The list goes on to self loathing and EDs, but this isn't supposed to be a buzzkill.  I became healthy mentally.  I was at a completely comfortable weight in my early twenties but gained a bunch when I started working full time office jobs instead of restaurants and retail.  Honestly, I really don't have an ideal weight.  I just want to have a wider variety of clothing to choose from.  Especially bras.  Is there a certain rule that says anybody above a "c" cup only gets black, brown, and nude for a color?  Digressing...

My strategy when it comes to losing weight is super simple: love what you're doing and love what you're eating.  I don't believe in deprivation.  I know how that forces a person to just give up all together.  So I try to eat 4-5 small meals a day and drink tons of water.  If I have a craving that just won't quit, I'll make a healthy version of it.  When it comes to exercise, I do what makes me happy.  I'd rather spend two hours on the elliptical than to run for 15 minutes.  I hate running with a passion.  Unless there's a psychopath wielding an axe behind me, I take no comfort in it.  So I like doing cardio kickboxing and walking around the neighborhood and pretending like I can play tennis on Wii.

At the end of the day, I'm really good at being healthy and losing pounds...but horrible at the follow through (story of my life).  I guess the main thing I have to learn is that one misstep does not mean all hope is lost.  So if I falter on this journey, I'm no longer throwing in the towel.  Enough with the jibber jabber....

Breakfast: 1/2 an apple and 1/2 a pear, 1 tbsp peanut butter (held by a monkey)
Lunch: romaine, tomato, cucumber, and cilantro salad with hot sauce coated baked tofu, salt, lime juice
Snack: banana oatmeal breakfast cookie (VCIYCJ tester), chocolate soymilk
Dinner: spicy black eyed peas & greens and ginger mashed sweet potatoes & apples (Isa weight loss testers)

Water-10 cups
Exercise-45 minutes on elliptical while watching Buffy.  The beginning of Willow and Oz...squee!!!

Coming up this week: Wesley Snipes, raw food goodness, baked falafel, repollo, pear and zucchini soup, and how to turn your fridge into a salad bar.


  1. wow, i love that mosaic you made! it's really inspiring - makes me WANT to eat healthier! great post!

    i just wish my gym had tv's on their machines...*sigh*

  2. i love your plan - listening to your body, exercise that you enjoy, and no deprivation. hells yeah! you're also right that in that getting a little off track doesn't have to mean that you've gotta derail the whole train - i need to remember that, too! i absolutely love your idea to make healthy versions of what you're craving like crazy. and might i also add that kickboxing rocks - and so does wii tennis! :)

    keep us posted on how you're do'n - your plan to be healthier sounds awesome, and it looks like you're do'n fantastic, too!

  3. Can I come over and eat at your house? That looks awesome!

    Also, I love all your attitudes and approaches to being healthy - I hate running with a passion too!

  4. I would totally eat with you, your healthy food looks great! And wow, ten cups of water! I always struggle to drink 4-5.

  5. i *need* to know your favorite peanut butter. I am obsessed and recently discovered that Maranatha and Trader Joe's Roasted Valencia PB w/flax seeds tie for first place as best ever so far. I'm on a mission to try more types :)

  6. I love this! All of this health food looks great!

  7. "Breakfast cookie"? And here I thought I was trendsetter eating my cookies for breakfast!

    Good luck with your healthy eating week! You can do it!

  8. looks pretty healthy to me! Mofo makes it hard to not be constantly hungry. Oh the beginning of Willow an Oz, "Who is that girl" is probably my favorite relationship in the show.

  9. What a great blog you have! I was just surfin' vegetarian blogs and thought I would swing by!~

  10. This is such a great post. I'm in a biggest loser challenge right now. This has given me even more inspriation.

    Those black eyed peas were so good!

  11. I am so with you on this. Everything looks AWESOME. And baked falafel, please! I've never been able to perfect baked falafel.

  12. A-K-Sure! Come on over!

    Lacey-I don't have a favorite peanut butter. I just grab whatever's natural and on sale. :) That one with flax seeds sounds divine!

    Shanna-Yes. The breakfast cookies are like little bites of banana bread with the added bonus of oatmeal, cranberries, and walnuts.

    Veg-In-Training-Tell me about it! I had to force myself not to eat giant spoonfuls as I was putting it in the fridge.

  13. I hear you on the bra subject. Under my clothes I dress like a grandmother. But I'm a feminine girl and I want my pretty bras back!

  14. Except that I need more food for breakfast, that menu looks really good to me. Your food looks so delicious!

  15. Sounds like you got it all together - eating small meals, fun exercise, playing wii. I love to pretend to play tennis on the wii too. And beautiful food! :-)

  16. Feeling this post. I am embarassed to admit I have never tried apples and peanut butter together, though I love them both on their own. Maybe it is too much and I will explode? I'll have to try it tomorrow.

    Regarding the bras, not sure if you have tried Cacique from Lane Bryant. I never used to want to shop there because I did not think I was "that fat", but my friend at work turned me on to their bras and I love them. They come in lots of different colors/styles/sizes. I think C's are the smallest they have. I had really fun one that was named "Beyonce Pink".

    Good luck with health week! I am trying to get back on track myself.
