Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Vegan MoFo III: Food Journals and Camouflage Grubbin'

This is just a quick post.  Just wanted to say that I really like to keep food journals because it's a good way to keep track of my eating habits.  I find I am more committed to staying on track when I can see how my body starts craving more fruits and veggies.  Today was crazy because I'm a huge procrastinator.  I ran out the door with breakfast, which I hate to do.

But today is just one day and I'll get right back on track tomorrow.  I'm saying that more for me than anybody else.  Hee hee.  One thing that today's mosaic taught me was that I was really not on top of my game.  I pretty much stuck with green and brown all day.  I didn't even realize it until I went to upload my photos.  Craziness.

Breakfast: 2 banana oatmeal breakfast cookies
Lunch: leftover kale, garlic smashed potatoes, and red wine roux
Snack: ginormous green smoothie (sweet potato, apple and spinach) with another breakfast cookie
Dinner(not pictured): pizza (mushroom, truffle oil, caramelized mushroom & daiya and veggie sausage, peppers, onion, & daiya)

Water-7.5 cups by bed time
Notes-I tried to get the fifth meal in today but was too full (that smoothie was insane) and off schedule.  Tomorrow I'm fitting it in.

Not the greatest food day, but I did get some green in.  That counts for something, right?  On a great note, breakfast is packed and ready for tomorrow so no excuses.


  1. Good for you! Eating breakfast has been my new year's resolution like the last 3 years, but it's such a challenge for me! I think it really messes up my metabolism, though, and screws up my otherwise healthy diet :( Thanks for the inspiration!!!

  2. I like keeping a food journal to... I do mine with photos and upload them all to flickr. Your diary for today doesn't look too bad. Kale is the best!

  3. I make a real point of eating breakfast and as ridiculous as it sounds I find it a real effort some days. Having just typed that - I didn't have breakfast today! DOH!

  4. Hmmm...I need to get back to keeping a food journal! I also have days where almost everything is brown. Or white. If I'm not careful, fruits and veggies take the back seat, while sandwiches and convenience foods drive the car, LOL!

    Thanks for sharing and helping us all keep on point.


  5. Looks like a pretty healthy day to me! Those smoothies, especially greenies, can be soo filling. And hats off to drinking all that water! That's my weak point. I could go all day without drinking anything, it's awful!

  6. Hey green and brown is a lot better than black & white when it comes to food! I am thinking burned rice or burned pancakes so you are definitely doing something right!

  7. Hmmm I don't know, but the kale with garlic and smashed potatoes looks YUMMY! I'm totally craving kale and smashed potatoes now. :)

    I tend to skip out on breakfast a lot too. I try so hard, but can't seem to get myself back on track either. Maybe I'll make myself a few breakfast cookies and give that a try.

  8. This looks all really healthy and good to me! He, he a green smoothie with sweet potato sounds crazy.

  9. Lacey, I love it! When it's on a thinner sauce, it has to cool down a bit for me because it gets super creamy. But I like it a lot.
