Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Palate Challenge Ideas

I don't know why, but I just got majorly excited about MoFo next month.  I've been thinking about how I want to do it this year because I work best when seriously organized.  One thing I really want to do is a palate challenge.  I'm thinking about making a list of foods and having my husband set up 20 different samples from that list.  Without knowing what is on the table, I'll take the challenge.

Whenever I watch these food challenge shows, I find it highly amusing how people often don't know what they are eating when blindfolded.  I usually make fun of them because it seems like such an easy thing.  Yet, I have never tested myself.  And I long for a vegan palate challenge like Eddie Izzard longs for a bungalow!  Muahahahahaha.

So who is with me?  Vegans across the blogosphere...you should tell ever'body and their mom that a vegan palate challenge is where it's at.  Spread the word and make the palate challenge this year's refrigerator/freezer meme.  Seriously.  I am really looking forward to this.

Now for the real question: what sorta things should be sampled?  I want to get a list going and I would love any help.


  1. we all have a castle each; we're up to here with f-ing castles ...

    sorry, i just had to jump on the Izzard reference; he's my favorite! :)

  2. What a cool idea! I'm with you!

  3. I love to watch those tasting challenges too and have often wondered how I would do. I think different varieties of greens and nuts and dried fruits would be challenging.

  4. This is a great idea! We recently watched an episode of Hell's Kitch. and they got so many wrong. I think one of them thought avocado was coconut, crrrrazy!

    I'd also like to think that I would get them all right but I probably wouldn't!

  5. you seem to be quite the vegan cheez critic. maybe reviewing a cheez recipe each day? lord knows there's enough cookbooks out there for that sorta thing.

  6. Oh, this is a little scary. I've never done anything like this. I've never seen anything like this on t.v., past the coke/diet pepsi commercial sort of challenge. 20 items? Do you try them all in one sitting? So this will just take up one day of VeganMOFO, right? Okay....what am I going to do with the rest of the month. Obviously, I'm a newbie. OL. Wish me luck!


  7. Faith, I think it's cool to do however many you want. I'm shooting for 15 to 20. Mofo is next week and I'm amped.

  8. Thanks for the reply, Monique! I'm nervous as heck about doing Vegan Mofo III. I've never seen it before. I'm scared I won't be able to keep up with the rest of you bloggers. (20 entries in a month?) Must find a newbie strategy that works. I'm thinking maybe just post a fact or two. But how will that look on my newborn blog, which right now is very food and photo-centric? Hmmmm.... I don't know. Whatever the case, I've put you in my blogroll so that I can click on your link with regularity for ideas about how this is supposed to be done. Nervous...nervous. Is there a vegan form of prozac???

