Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Peach Melba Smoothie

I should probably warn you that I have never, in my life, had peach melba before. I haven't the slightest idea if this even remotely tastes like it. Let's just say I was inspired by the peach, raspberry and vanilla combo. I initially made this over the weekend and decided to make myself one today. I love it. And it's raw so that's pretty awesome.

Peach Melba Inspired Smoothie
1 cup cold water
1/4 cup raw cashews
1/4 cup medjool dates
2 tsp alcohol-free vanilla extract
1 cup frozen peaches
1/4 cup frozen raspberries (You may want to thaw them and push them through a strainer if you don't like seeds. However, I suggest you just woman up and eat the seeds.)

I don't have a Vitamix (not bitter or anything) so I added the water, dates and cashews first. I blend until smooth, which is about 2 minutes. Add the remaining ingredients and blend until you have a thick, delicious, peachyraspberryvanilla-ey smoothie. Don't share with anybody.

In other news, I am obsessed with starting a vegetable garden before the summer. I don't know whether to do a raised, potted, or regular garden. I really suck at gardening. I've killed fake plants before. True story. Things I am fiending for: basil, lemon thyme, tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, jalapenos, and maybe corn. Corn seems like it may be waaaaay out of my league. I'll post any gardening results here.

Tomorrow I'm hoping to rawify (new word...spread it around) Vcon's pasta della California. I'm crossing my fingers...and toes!


  1. You crack me up, I laughed out loud when I saw "EEEEAGLE!"

    And I need to rawify my life some more as well, I should start with this delicious sounding smoothie as I only ever have the same green smoothie over and over again (baby spinach, 2-3 narnas)

  2. Hey Mo-

    Good luck with your garden! I have a black thumb, too :) I've killed just about every plant I've owned!

  3. i have a brown thumb too!! i had lots of nice seedlings, and killed everything but the zucc and the peas, and i put those outside and squirrels ate them. sigh. i'm retrying.

  4. can’t say i’ve ever had peach melba before either, in fact – i’ve never heard of it! but you better believe i’ll be giving your smoothie a try! we have some frozen peaches in our freezer from last summer that need to find a home in my tummy! ahahaha! mmmmmmmm! hooray for getting a summer garden started – keep us posted! i look forward to your rawification of vcon’s pasta della california, too! ooooh, yay!

  5. This smoothie sounds really yummy and I'll bet it was a beautiful color.

    Looking forward to raw vcon pasta!

  6. Oh that sounds very good. I love raspberries (even with seeds, ha). I love these raw smoothies! I haven't transitioned to full veganism, but I'm working on it!
