Friday, December 12, 2008


I have 17 days before we load our stuff on a truck, and I haven't packed a thing. In the interest of procrastination, I thought I'd regale you with tales of holidays past, present and future. This nostalgia was definitely sparked last night when I heard my neighbor's Christmas lights whistling a jaunty tune.

As a child, Christmas was synonymous with joy. I was never really in it for the presents. It was the magic. Santa, kindness, chocolate chip cookies as we sat around the tree. My parents were and still are Christmas fanatics. My dad does the lights, and my mom does the tree. She also hunts down every Black Santa, Mrs. Claus and angel she can find. New ornaments representing me, my sister and my brother go up every year. Since getting married, our husbands can be found dangling from pine tree limbs as well.

When I discovered Santa was fake, the magic died a little. But I made a choice to not let that happen. From the time I was 8 until I moved out of the house, I had an extra special Christmas morning tradition. Just before everybody woke up, I'd sneak downstairs by myself. I'd sit on the floor and stare up at the tree. I'd take it all in. Flashing lights, shiny presents, and scent of fresh pine needles. Then I'd hum along to whatever tune was playing. That was my magic. To sit alone and thank the universe for the day.

This year, I have no reason to celebrate or decorate. It's just me and the dogs. The fun is definitely not here. This is the first time in SEVERAL years that we aren't having a Festivus celebration. It's making me kinda sad. But the truth is...I'm also really happy. My husband will be here in a week...and when he leaves this time, I'll be with him.

And not all hope is lost. We'll be spending Christmas at my parents. A day of feasting on appetizers and getting incredibly drunk. I'm also thinking there will be much Phase 10 and Trivial Pursuit. And I can't forget the food. I'll be perfecting my deviled tofu recipe. I'm planning on bringing it as well as black bean salsa, a pesto cheezeball, and a vegetable tart. Hooray for vegan choices!

What are you making for Hanukkah, Winter Solstice, Christmas, Festivus, Kwanzaa, the holidays?


  1. That all sounds so nice. I used to love decorating the tree. I'd put on a Christmas movie and start unpacking the crazy numbers of ornaments we had collected over the years. Such a hodgepodge but I appreciate it now that it's gone.
    Good luck with the packing (when you start it).

  2. Your memories of Christmas sound so wonderful!
    I've only recently heard of Festivus but I love it! I'm such a Johnny Come Lately......
    I can't imagine being apart form my hubby, you must be really looking forwards to seeing him. Good luck with the packing.

  3. Sounds like you have really great Christmas memories and I think you and your dogs can have Christmas together :) And your husband will be with you soon, yay!

  4. I love reading about people's Christmas stories! YAY for reuniting with your husband!!

  5. yeah, i'm not much of a holidays person. even chanukkah, which pales in comparison to x-mas--i just don't even wanna try to make it cool, because it won't work.

    food-hell yes, that's the only part i really like...and maybe that christmas story movie with the bb gun. i'll be making a persimmon pudding, and lazy latkes. i'll take pics with my new camera which chanukkah harry gave me early for being a shrewd business woman.
