Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Great Cheeze Project

This is a quick entry to let you know what I'm doing and where I've been. After all the mofo stuff, I needed a great sabbatical. I'm still having fridge troubles and won't be able to buy a new one for another two weeks, so my fresh food stash is limited. This is the main reason I haven't been posting. I also still have about two days worth of mofo entries to read. Sorry I haven't been commenting on journals or responding...I just need to find the time to get back into food blog mode.

My next endeavor is an exploration of vegan cheeze. Besides eggs, it really is the hardest vegan substitute in my mind. I was never heavy into it, but I do miss things on occasion. I will be creating, using and reviewing recipes dealing with cheeze in all forms. I'll also be purchasing cheezes for a sort of "face off." Oddly enough, this all started with me trying to recreate the Canadian Cheese Soup I loved so much as a lacto veg.

I'm not going to make this entire thing about cheeze, though. With the holidays coming up, I have a ton of things I'd like to I hope to be back soon.


  1. breaks are nice. MOFO wore me out sumptin' fierce. i don't visit the PPK much unless i have a question i want answered or want to catch up on news in the parlor. we'll see ya when we see ya. i do like your blog!

    xo jewbacca

  2. We can call you the Magellan of vegan cheeze then! Good luck fridge hunting!

  3. I was never a huge cheese lover either, but you're right, some things just require cheese. I'm looking forward to your experiments.

  4. Oooohhhh, Cheese! Probably the most challenging aspect of veganism for me. I'll look forward to seeing what you have to say about it!

    heheh-- my word verification is 'feckedn'. That makes me thing of Simon Pegg. Just had to share.

  5. can't wait to see you dive into cheeze exploration, Mo!

  6. i just bought some fyh for pizza, even though it never melts for me. i'm a sucker for punishment.

  7. I needed a break after vegan mofo too. I'm interested to see what kind of cheeze roundup you present...


  8. Looking forward for the cheeze!
