Wednesday, October 29, 2008

VeganMoFo: Vegan Sno Ball Cupcakes

Because it's not snowing in Texas right now, I wanted something that reminds me of pink snow covered landscapes. If you've never had a Sno Ball before, I feel sorry for you a bit. It is the ultimate in disgusting junk food enjoyment.

Last month, I bit into a toasted coconut Sweet and Sara marshmallow. It was at that moment that I wondered why those lovely people haven't made a vegan version of Sno Balls already. Seriously. Their s'mores are basically moonpies...and that is a sweet, delicious miracle in its own right. If you have control of Sweet & Sara and happen to be reading this: banana! That is all. Banana moonpies were THE best.
This recipe was the Frankenstein's monster of desserts. Take Fauxstess Cupcakes, subtract the ganache and squigglies, add ricemellow creme, coconut extract and toasted coconut (dyed pink) and you got it, dude!
Next time I want to try My Sweet Vegan's ricemellow creme frosting because using the creme itself results in sticky, gooey insanity. I also wonder what melting a bunch of toasted coconut marshmallows would result in. And instead of using food coloring, I used maraschino cherry juice. What else was I gonna do with it?


  1. Awesome! I have never had a snowball or maybe I have but in Australia they have a different name, anyhoo, they look great! And I wonder if my ricemallow is off, I've had a tub for months and have only tried a spoonful of it.

  2. I had forgotten all about snowballs and the scary pink

  3. WOAH! Droooooooooool....they look good and SO pretty to. That's one snowball I won't be throwing - well, except into my mouth!

  4. those cupcakes are perfect!! very pretty. i would've eaten 6 in 10 minutes.

  5. I loved snoballs when I was a kid. I wanna make these soon.

  6. Snowballs were always one of those things that I thought I wanted but then I bit into them and didn't afterall....but a vegan version? Now that is an awesome idea! No weird texture/taste going on....just pure ricemellow/chocolate cake goodness. Great idea!
